
Free Printable Stationery Sheets....with happy patterns and doodle borders, of course!

Hi Friends!
Is your summer flying by as quickly as mine is?  yeesh... it's nuts!  
Well, I was thinking about you all today, and decided it might be time for another free printable.  Am I right?   

Well, do you remember these doodle border note card/place cards?  They have been a huge hit, as far as printables here on my blog go :) So I thought I'd share this coordinating larger version of them.  I figured these could be used for a number of things:  
-Stationery... to write a friendly note on.
-Invites... simply print out, then reprint text on them.
-Signs or large labels... for the home or for a party, like on a food table.

Anyways, those are just a few ideas!  Leave a cheery hello if you download them, and let me know what you might use them for, kay?  And don't forget to go download the matching mini note cards/place cards!

Simply print out on whatever kind of paper you'd like and cut down the middle!  

*As always... file for personal use only.  File and printed product not for resale or profit of any kind. 



  1. I remember downloading and making the place cards in june 2012 for my ex surprise b-day party (his 1st ever) evrything was great, but no matter all the things I did to please him & love him, I returned from a job trip & he had left & taken even the tooth paste with him.
    Your prints are still great thou 😉
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Thank you so much, Amy! These are adorable!

  3. Boa tarde Amy!!!
    Vindo te conhecer através da sugestão das amigas Pepa e Vi!!!
    Já estou baixando esses lindos papéis...usarei para fazer cartões...desde já agradeço <3
    Que essa semana que se inicia seja repleta de bençãos!!!
    Bjokas...da Bia!!!

  4. Thanks for this! Very nice! xoxo

  5. I love these! Thank you for making them. I can't wait to download ^_^


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